AECOsim Building Designer Help

To modify a cell used for an annotation graphic

  1. Open the one of the following cell libraries:
    Cell Library Content
    Cell library file specified by the configuration variable TFANNOTATION_CELL_LIBFILE Cell graphics for all annotation tools except Coded Note
    Cell library file specified by the configuration variable TFANNOTATION_CODEDNOTECELL_LIBFILE Cell graphics for Coded Note main callout
    Cell library file specified by the configuration variable TFANNOTATION_CODEDNOTETERMCELL_LIBFILE Cell graphics for Coded Note terminator
    Cell library file for Scale graphic specified by the configuration variable TFANNOTATION_SCALECELL_LIBFILE Cell graphics for Scale cell
    Tip: To preserve default graphics, make a copy of the cell library before modification work begins.
  2. From File menu, select Models.

    The Models dialog opens. The models in the cell library are used to build the annotation tool graphics. For example, in the annotation.cel cell library, the Place Elevation Callout graphic is composed of the ElevationMainCallout model and the ElevationWing model.

    The following table lists annotation tools, cell library files where the graphics are stored, associated graphic cells, and associated tag sets.
    Annotation Tool Cell Library File Cell Library Models Used in the Annotation Graphic Tag Set Attached to the Model
    Place North Arrow Annotation.cel NorthArrow None
    Place Section Callout Annotation.cel WallSectionCallout; WallWing; WallTail AnnotationSectionCallout
    Place Detail Section Callout Annotation.cel DetailSectionCallout; DetailTail AnnotationSectionCallout
    Place Elevation Callout Annotation.cel ElevationMainCallout; ElevationWing AnnotationElevationCallout
    Place Drawing Title Annotation.cel DrawingTitle AnnotationDrawingTitle
    Place Room Label Annotation.cel RoomLabel AnnotationRoomLabel
    Place Coded Note (main callout) CodedNoteMainCallout.cel Hexagon; Circle; Ellipse; Diamond; Square CodedNote
    Place Coded Note (terminator) CodedNoteTerminator.cel OpenCircle; ClosedSquare; ClosedArrow; OpenArrow; OpenSquare; ClosedCircle None
  3. Double click the model to modify it.

    The model becomes the active model.

  4. Modify the graphic.
    Note: Text elements in the graphics are defined as tags. Use the Edit Tags tool to modify the text/tag definition.
  5. Close the cell library file.
    Note: When using the annotation tool, modified graphics display in the DGN file.